Excel Product Data Sheet
Filling out your Excel template with your products to be imported in to your website.
Step 1
Open your spreasheet in Excel, we will have set up the fields that need filling in.
Step 2 – Product SKU
add you own product code here – the product code can be visable or hidden on the website, let us know which you require
Step 3 – Category Path in Excel
This section makes the menu and can have as many drop down/sub sections as you like. Step 4 will show you how the categories become the menu
Step 4 – Category Path as it will appear on the website
Step 5 – The product_name & product_s_desc
1) Enter a product title in this column
2) Enter a brief description in this column
Step 6 will show you where these appear on the website
Step 6
1 = Product Name
2 = Mini product description ( product_s_desc )
3 = People click here to read the full product description
Step 7 Product description & Image in Excel
1) Enter your full product description (this can be as much information as you like)
2) Enter the file name of the image you are providing to us.
Step 8 will show you the full product description.
Step 8 The individual product page on the Website
1) Your Product Title will reappear here
2) Your product description will appear here