Joomla: adding & aligning images in articles using jce
Search Engine Optimisation
So you want to be on the first page of Google….I can’t guarantee to get you there, but carry out the following and you will stand the best chance.
No1….Link Building…..the single most important thing you can do
Every time someone puts a link on their website linking back to your website, Google will count this as a vote for your site. The more votes you get the more important Google will think your website is and will push you up the rankings.
The value of links…..not all links are equal.
Getting links from pages that are highly ranked will help you more than links from low or unranked pages. Relevance is also important to Google. So if you are selling widgets then a link from your widget supplier or a highly ranked widget blog will be very helpful, especially if the link is contextual ie. somewhere in the text a link saying “buy you widgets here” that links to you.
Google Site Maps
A Google site map is a special set of instructions that tells Google about your website, including details of all the pages within your site which helps it to index your site more completely. These xml files used to be quite tricky to write but if you have you website hosted with flying pixel you can now find an automatic Google generator within your control panel. Just click on this button and the whole job including upload the file to your web space will be done for you. Just remember when you have added new pages to your site to generate a new map. Click here if you would like to visit our demo control panel to view all the features we offer.
Meta Tags
If you have had your site built for you, ask your designer about these and get them to add them for you. Dont expect this to be done as a matter of course, your designer will really need your input and help with correctly doing this.
Page titles are extremely important, make sure you give them a short, approximately 10 word description/title to add to each page. Each page title needs to be a concise description of that page and its contents using keywords that you hope to return for in the search engines
Page descriptions, not all search engines read these but some do, so its worth adding a slightly more detailed description of each page, often this is the information that will be shown along with the link to the page in the search engine results.
Image tags, make sure your images also have a written description, this will help when an image doesnt load correctly on a page or for visually impared visitors and will help your images show up in the Google image bank.